
O impacto de como os fardos de feno são armazenados

2024-04-29 16:18

Studies show that outdoor storage losses range from 5-35%, indoor storage can reduce losses by 2/3, and outdoor use of good plastic covering can reduce losses by 50%. Storage technology advice. Make a dense bale: It produces more precipitation, less sagging, and less surface area to absorb moisture. By using mesh wrapping, you can reduce bale sag and maintain bale shape. Additionally, mesh creates a tight, smooth surface that resists weathering, insects, and rodents. Store bales in a well-drained area with a 4-6 inch rough rock base to minimize bottom damage. Whenever possible, store bales end to end, in rows, facing northwest to southeast. Separate adjacent lines at least 10 feet apart. Stacking bales often increases losses. Place bale rows away from fences and fields, and mulch with hay is recommended if stored for more than a year.

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